Denver's official PrideFest After Party, Triangle Bar has an impressive lineup of events for Denver Pride!
♢ Laugh Your Yass Off Wednesday
♢ Friday tickets and bottle service – Pride XL with DJs Grind, Toy Armada and Alyson Calagna
♢ Saturday tickets and bottle service – 2 Snaps Up 90’s Dance Party with Phi Phi O’Hara
♢ Sunday tickets and bottle service – Massive Pride Block Party and official Pridefest After Party with DJs Paulo, Joe Gauthreaux and RPDR Queens Latrice Royal and Morgan McMichaels
A contemporary gay bar and eatery located in the historic Triangle Lounge building in heart of downtown Denver, they feature crafted cocktails, farm-fresh pub grub, coffee by Starbucks, and lively entertainment seven days a week, all in a beautifully restored, modern space. Your Denver Pride experience would not be complete without a visit to The Triangle Bar!